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Modules and Features

CAMPUSLIVE™ Administration, HR Management, Finance Management, Student Management, Academics Management, Inventory Management, Library Management, Health Monitoring, Front Office Management, Activities / ECA, Transport Management, Responsive Dashboards, Examination Management, Fee Management, Hostel/Boarding Management, Cafeteria Management,Payroll Module

CAMPUSLIVE™ Administration

CAMPUSLIVE™ administration module has been developed specifically considering all these aspects and to suit the current and futuristic needs of evolving.

HR Management

HR management module helps collating data for all its staff members, employees, support workers. With help of the biometric system record of all the employees .

Finance Management

Financial Accounting Management: Financial Transactions Reports & Statements, Voucher & Balance Sheet Management.

Student Management

Student Management module has been developed with user-friendly features to facilitate all process of your institution, from the admission of new students.

Academics Management

Academic Management: Classes/Grades Management, Syllabus Management, Attendance Management.

Inventory Management

inventory management software, easily manage stock, record purchases, create sales orders, Sales & stock Management, and much more.

Library Management

Library Management Software, this software covers the whole laboratory activities from arrival of the sample to resulting and billing. As we know it is really hard to manage the large volume of data..

Health Monitoring

CAMPUSLIVE™ offers a unique ERP module for the institutions to keep track of health records and related measures accurately and

Front Office Management

The module has been designed to manage the tracking of the visitors and the interaction. This module offers assistance to the front office executive for managing visitors.

Activities / ECA

Schools/Institutes conduct numerous extra-curricular activities on regular basis. At CAMPUSLIVE™, we offer full-fledged module

Transport Management

Managing transportation can be cumbersome if done manually as there are number of students, staff members who enroll for the school/campus buses while commuting everyday.

Responsive Dashboards

With the advent of technology today, execution of complicated and tedious tasks has become lot more easier and simplified. It has blossomed so well in our present times.

Examination Management

One of the most important modules offered by CAMPUSLIVE™. Conducting examination in a number of classes of any school or an institution requires a lot of management and planning.

Fee Management

CAMPUSLIVE™ has excelled its expertise by introducing fee management module for the campus or institutions. Fee management is at the core of the critical operations being executed in any school/college/ institution.

Hostel/Boarding Management

Hostel Management: Many schools/institutes offer hostel for the boarding, lodging facilities for the students residing in the campus.

Cafeteria Management

Schools/Campus and Institutes operate their own cafeteria’s for their students since there are few institutions where students often reside in the hostels.

Payroll Module

Payroll management module is an important aspect which is taken into consideration while setting up the ERP module. It is the process utilized while generate salaries of employees .

Student Portal

Student Portal where students can login and check their assignments and history of their record. This can greatly help the child to track his own progress record and do his daily activity as scheduled.

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps for your Android and iOS device Teachers, Students,  Parents can make us of the app and check the activity remotely from any location, all they need is active internet connection on their mobile device.

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